How to use Installer Command Line Parameters

How to use Installer Command Line Parameters

Installer command line parameters are added to the end of either the EXE or MSI installation program in the console window. Typically, the installer needs to be run from a Windows User Account which has administrative privileges, either directly or by starting up the console in ADMIN mode.

Console Admin Mode.png

The QWS Installation program is named QWS3270_Setup_n.n.n and has either a .exe or .msi extension, depending on the type of installer file. The n.n.n refers to the particular version number of the QWS320 application. For example, QWS3270_Setup_5.4.302.exe.

To add the command line parameters, follow the program name with a space and then one or more parameters, separated by a space:
C:\Downloads>QWS3270_Setup_5.4.302.exe <DEFAULT_SSL_LIBRARY=> <DEFAULT_SSL_FIPS=>
C:\Downloads>msiexe /i QWS3270_Setup_5.4.302.msi <DEFAULT_SSL_LIBRARY=> <DEFAULT_SSL_FIPS=>

Note that the '<' and '>' in the above are not included in the actual command line. They are shown merely to indicate the beginning and end of each parameter. You can add one or all of the possible command line parameters.