Choosing a Printer

Choosing a Printer

You can choose a printer in two ways: on the 'Options/Session/Printer' dialog or on the 'QWS3270/Print Setup' dialog.

Setting a default printer

If you choose a printer on the 'Options/Session/Printer' dialog when you are not connected, it becomes the default for all new sessions that you define.  Use the Options/Session menu and scroll down the list of options. Choose the Printer option and select the printer you wish to use from the printer selection box at the top of the dialog.

Choosing a Printer Setup When Connected

If you choose a printer on the 'Options/Session/Printer' dialog when you are connected, this printer becomes the default for that session.  This allows you to have different printers defined for different sessions.  Connect to a session and choose a printer from the selection at the top of the dialog.

To temporarily change the printer settings (for the current session only, until you disconnect), choose the 'QWS3270/Print Setup' menu option.  A dialog similar to the following appears.  The printer selections in this dialog and the settings options depend on the types of printers installed on your system.

To choose an alternate printer, select one from the printer name dropdown listbox.  Change the other selections as appropriate and click OK to make this printer the default printer for this session.

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