requires parameter
number of parameters: 2
Usage: var ‘‘varname, value’‘
var ‘‘mypass, Super Password’‘
will create a new variable and assign the value specified in ‘value’. The name/value pair must be enclosed by the delimiter (default is ‘‘) if it contains spaces.
after creating a variable and assigning a value to it, it can be used in any command that requires text as a parameter, like ‘lookfor %varname%’ or ‘type %varname%’. If the variable already exists, it’s value will be replaced with the new value.
After creating a variable, and assigning a value to it, it can be used in any command that requires text as a parameter, such as, ‘lookfor %varname%’ or ‘type %varname%’. If the variable already exists, its value will be replaced with the new value.
Note: Do not include any spaces after the comma, unless you want them to be part of the variable value