

Sends one or more keys to the currently connected host session.

The keystrokes appear to the session as if they are entered by a user. The keystrokes can include host function keys and AID keys.

Namespace:  JollyGiant.Emulation
Assembly:  JGSComdotNet (in JGSComdotNet.dll) Version: (


StatusCode SendKeys(
	string keys
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Function SendKeys ( _
	keys As String _
) As StatusCode
Visual C++
StatusCode SendKeys(
	String^ keys
function SendKeys(keys);


keys Type: System...String
String of keystrokes, maximum of 255 characters.

Return Value

The StatusCode indicating the result of the operation.

This can be one of the following values:

Status codeDescription
WHLLOKThe keystrokes were sent successfully.
WHLLNOTCONNECTEDYour application is not currently connected to a host session.
WHLLPARAMETERERRORThe string of keys contains invalid data.
WHLLPSBUSYThe session is busy; all of the keystrokes could not be sent.
WHLLINHIBITEDInput to the session is inhibited; keystrokes were rejected or invalid host function key codes were sent. All of the keystrokes could not be sent.
WHLLSYSERRORThe method failed due to a system error.


Please see the HLLAPI help file for details on key mnemonics.

See Also

ISession Interface
JollyGiant.Emulation Namespace

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Copyright 2009 by Jolly Giant Software, Inc.

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