AOC Security Update

AOC Security Update

North Carolina AOC has changed their security protocol used to connect to their system

In order to be able to connect using QWS3270, please follow the below instructions to modify your security settings:

  1. Open QWS3270 Secure
  2. Click on Edit right below the session name
  3. On the left side under Connection, you should see Security. Click on Security.
  4. Ensure that Enable Secure Connection is checked
  5. The second section on the Security page is SSL\TLS Protocol Version
  6. Change the current setting to either TLSv1 or Auto-Select
  7. Click Apply in the bottom right
  8. Click OK
  9. Click Connect and test the connection

If you are using a desktop shortcut that attempts to automatically connect your session, follow the below:

  1. Open QWS using your shortcut and wait for the connection to timeout
  2. Once the connection times out, click on Options > Session
  3. On the left side under Connection, you should see Security. Click on Security.
  4. The second section on the Security page is SSL\TLS Protocal Version
  5. Change the current setting to either TLSv1 or Auto-Select
  6. Click Apply in the bottom right
  7. Click OK
  8. Click Connect and test the connection

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