



This command copies the current screen’s text to the user specified file

Usage: screentodisk c:\temp\work1.txt


 screentodisk ‘‘c:\program files\work1.txt’‘


 screentodisk %varname%


Optionally you can specify a starting and ending location in the form of row/column to limit the output to only part of the screen. As an example the command

screentodisk c:\temp\work.txt,3/10,20/50

will copy the contents of the screen between the locations row 3 column 10 and row 20 column 50 to a file on the C-drive in the temp directory called work.txt. Another way to write the previous command would be

screentodisk ‘‘c:\temp\work.txt, 3/10, 20/50’‘.

Note: The directory must exist, and if the parameters contain any spaces they must be enclosed by delimiters


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