Page Formatting Options
This step is optional. Output can be routed to the printer without specifying any additional options. In this case the application will use the default options (Portrait, 66 rows, 80 columns, 1" margins). If the Page Formatting Options are changed, they will apply only for the current queue. One queue can print in Landscape mode with the Courier New Size 10 font and another can print in Portrait mode with the Sans Serif Size 16 font.
This dialog allows the selection of options to format printed text to your specifications. The application can format the output to fit the page if the ‘Scale to fit page’ option is selected. Alternatively, extended formatting options can be set using the ‘Font determines format’ option and setting page orientation, rows, columns, margins and line wrap options. The data stream can be sent directly to the printer without applying any formatting (other than the formatting the printer applies). Click on the controls to view additional information on these options.