StatusCode Enumeration
Return status code for automation methods, modeled after the HLLAPI specifications
Namespace: JollyGiant.Emulation
Assembly: JGSComdotNet (in JGSComdotNet.dll) Version: (
C# |
[ComVisibleAttribute(true)] public enum StatusCode |
Visual Basic (Declaration) |
<ComVisibleAttribute(True)> _ Public Enumeration StatusCode |
Visual C++ |
[ComVisibleAttribute(true)] public enum class StatusCode |
JavaScript |
JollyGiant.Emulation.StatusCode = function(); JollyGiant.Emulation.StatusCode.createEnum('JollyGiant.Emulation.StatusCode', false); |
Member name | Description | |
Ok | OK, no error | |
NotConnected | Not currently connected to any valid session | |
ParameterError | Parameter Error/Invalid Function | |
FileTransferComplete | File Transfer Complete | |
PresentationSpaceIsBusy | File Transfer Complete / segmented, or Presentation Space is Busy | |
KeyboardLocked | Inhibited/Keyboard Locked | |
DataTruncated | Data Truncated | |
InvalidPosition | Invalid Presentation Space Position | |
NotAvailable | Unavailable Operation | |
SystemError | System Error | |
NotSupported | Function Not Supported | |
SessionNotAvailable | Resource is unavailable | |
SessionEnded | The session was stopped | |
UndefinedKey | Undefined Key Combination | |
OIAUpdated | OIA Updated | |
PresentationSpaceUpdated | Presentation Space Updated | |
BothUpdated | Presentation Space And OIA Updated | |
NoSuchField | No Such Field Found | |
NoKeysAvailable | No Keystrokes are available | |
PresentationSpaceChanged | Presentation Space or OIA changed | |
FileTransferAborted | File transfer aborted | |
TransferAborted | File transfer aborted | |
ZeroLengthField | Field length is zero | |
KeystrokeOverflow | Keystroke overflow | |
AlreadyConnected | Other application already connected | |
InboundMessageCancelled | Message sent inbound to host cancelled | |
OutboundMessageCancelled | Outbound trans from host cancelled | |
ContactLost | Contact with host was lost | |
SuccessButDisabled | The function was successful | |
RequestNotComplete | The requested function was not completed | |
DDMAlreadyConnected | One DDM session already connected | |
DisconnectedAsyncPending | Disconnected with async requests pending | |
BufferInUse | Specified buffer currently in use | |
NoMatchingRequest | No matching request found | |
ApiLockError | API already locked or unlocked | |
InvalidFunctionNumber | Invalid function number | |
FileNotFound | File Not Found | |
AccessDenied | Access Denied | |
InsufficientMemory | Insufficient Memory | |
InvalidEnvironment | Invalid environment | |
InvalidFormat | Invalid format | |
CreateProcessError | Unable to create process | |
UnknownError | Unknown Error | |
StartProcessError | Unable to current process | |
TooManySessions | No session ID available | |
InvalidPsId | Invalid Presentation Space ID | |
InvalidRowColumn | Invalid Row or Column Code | |
HllapiNotFound | HLLAPI DLL not found or could not be loaded |
See Also
JollyGiant.Emulation Namespace
Send comments on this topic to Jolly Giant Software
Copyright 2009 by Jolly Giant Software, Inc.