The return codes have been modeled after the HLLAPI standard to make it easier to convert existing HLLAPI applications to use the automation interfaces. The following is a list of the return codes that may be returned by the QWS3270 Automation Interface methods:
Error Definition | Numeric | Meaning/Comment |
JGS_OK | 0 | Successful |
JGS_NOTCONNECTED | 1 | Not Connected To host session |
JGS_PARAMETERERROR | 2 | Parameter Error/Invalid Function |
JGS_FTXCOMPLETE | 3 | File Transfer Complete |
JGS_PSBUSY | 4 | The host session is Busy |
JGS_FTXSEGMENTED | 4 | File Transfer Complete with one or more segmented records |
JGS_INHIBITED | 5 | Inhibited/Keyboard Locked |
JGS_TRUNCATED | 6 | Data Truncated |
JGS_POSITIONERROR | 7 | Invalid screen Position |
JGS_NOTAVAILABLE | 8 | Unavailable Operation |
JGS_SYSERROR | 9 | System Error |
JGS_NOTSUPPORTED | 10 | Function Not Supported |
JGS_UNAVAILABLE | 11 | Resource is unavailable |
JGS_PSENDED | 12 | The session was stopped |
JGS_UNDEFINEDKEY | 20 | Undefined Key Combination |
JGS_NOFIELD | 24 | No Such Field Found |
JGS_NOKEYSTROKES | 25 | No Keystrokes are available |
JGS_PSCHANGED | 26 | Screen or OIA changed |
JGS_FTXABORTED | 27 | File transfer aborted |
JGS_ZEROLENFIELD | 28 | Field length is zero |
JGS_KEYOVERFLOW | 31 | Keystroke buffer overflow |
JGS_SFACONN | 32 | Other application already connected |
JGS_HOSTCLOST | 36 | Contact with host was lost |
JGS_OKDISABLED | 37 | The function was successful |
JGS_NOTCOMPLETE | 38 | The requested function was not completed |
JGS_NOMATCH | 42 | No matching request found |
JGS_FILENOTFOUND | 302 | File Not Found |
JGS_ACCESSDENIED | 305 | Access Denied |
JGS_MEMORY | 308 | Insufficient Memory |
JGS_INVALIDENVIRONMENT | 310 | Invalid environment |
JGS_INVALIDFORMAT | 311 | Invalid format |
JGS_CREATE_PROCESS | 4000 | Unable to create new process |
JGS_UNKNOWN | 4001 | An unknown error occurred |
JGS_START_PROC_FAILED | 4002 | Failed to start QWS3270 session (most likely because of an invalid path to the application) |
JGS_TOO_MANY_SESSIONS | 4003 | All session IDs have already been used |
JGS_INVALIDPSID | 9998 | Invalid host session ID |
JGS_INVALIDRC | 9999 | Invalid Row or Column Code |
QWS3270 Automation copyright © Jolly Giant Software Inc. All rights reserved.