WaitForKeyboardUnlocked Method

WaitForKeyboardUnlocked Method

Waits for a specified amount of time (the default is 60 seconds) for the keyboard to be unlocked; if the keyboard is not locked, or becomes unlocked during the wait period, Wait returns immediately.

The time to wait can be changed with the SetSessionOptions(String, Int32) method.

Namespace:  JollyGiant.Emulation
Assembly:  JGSComdotNet (in JGSComdotNet.dll) Version: (


public StatusCode WaitForKeyboardUnlocked()
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Function WaitForKeyboardUnlocked As StatusCode
Visual C++
virtual StatusCode WaitForKeyboardUnlocked() sealed
function WaitForKeyboardUnlocked();

Return Value

The StatusCode indicating the result of the operation.

This can be one of the following values:

Status codeDescription
WHLLOKThe keyboard is unlocked and ready for input.
WHLLNOTCONNECTEDYour application is not connected to a valid host session.
WHLLPSBUSYWait method timed out while still in XCLOCK or XSYSTEM for 3270 terminals, or Input Inhibited for 5250 terminals.
WHLLINHIBITEDThe keyboard is locked.
WHLLSYSERRORThe method failed due to a system error.




Wait can be used to provide other methods, such as , enough time to complete or be processed. You can also use WaitForKeyboardUnlocked to see if keyboard input is inhibited.

Be aware, however, that when the return code is WHLLOK, the keyboard is unlocked, but the original transaction or preceding method may not have finished processing on the host.

The length of time that this method will wait is affected by the session options TWAIT, LWAIT, and NWAIT.

See Also

Session Class
JollyGiant.Emulation Namespace

Send comments on this topic to Jolly Giant Software

Copyright 2009 by Jolly Giant Software, Inc.

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