


Invokes the file transfer functionality to transfer a file from the Host to your local PC. This command may be used repetitively to process a series of downloads.

 getfile ‘‘HOST-FILE, PC-FILE, (OPTIONS)’‘


Note: ‘‘HOST-FILE, PC-FILE, OPTIONS’‘ are separated by commas and must be enclosed by the delimiter (default is double quotes). On VM/CMS and CICS systems, OPTIONS must be enclosed in parentheses. Your possible options are ‘‘CRLF’‘, ‘‘ASCII’‘, and ‘‘APPEND’‘. Some systems may support the ‘‘NOTRUNC’‘ option.


The command input entry screen for this command is free text entry. Enclose the command in the delimiter (default "), if there are any spaces. The following example shows recommended formats.

Getfile "readme.txt, C:/readme.txt, (CRLF, ASCII, NOTRUNC)"

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