Copying, Cutting and Pasting from the Edit Menu

Copying, Cutting and Pasting from the Edit Menu


  • Cut – copies the selected text to the clipboard and removes the selected text by inserting nulls or spaces based on the rules defined in the cut menu option settings.

  • Copy – will copy the selected text to the clipboard either in Line Mode or Block Mode.  The data copied will include only input data or copying attribute bytes as spaces depending upon the choices in the Menu options/Sessions dialog.

  • Paste – will paste the contents of the clipboard into the current screen at the cursor location handling tabs, word wrap, advance of cursor to the end of the pasted data depending upon the selections in the Menu options/Sessions dialog.

  • Paste Next – pastes the rest of a very large clipboard. If the paste operation quits after filling one screen, this feature will copy the rest, no matter how many screens it takes. It will continue to apply the same word wrap, tabs and cursor advance settings as the paste operation it follows.

  • Append – copies selected text to the end of the current clipboard.

  • Append All – will append the current screen to the end of the clipboard.

  • Copy All – copies the current screen to the clipboard by over-writing the contents of the clipboard.

  • Clear Buffer – clears the contents of the clipboard as well as de-activating the append, append all, print and save as menu options.

  • Print Buffer – prints the contents of the clipboard and clears the contents of the clipboard.  It will also de-activate the append, append all, print and the save as menu options.

  • Save As… -- allows the contents of the clipboard to be saved to a named file as well as de-activating the append, append all, print and save as menu options.



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