Creating Custom Commands

Creating Custom Commands


You create a custom command using the Custom Toolbar dialog.  To access this dialog, select the Options/Session menu item.  Scroll down to the custom toolbar icon and select it.  The following dialog appears:


If you have already defined custom commands they will appear in the Custom Commands drop-down list.  You will also see the five custom toolbar buttons listed unless you checked the 'Hide Toolbar Buttons in List' option.

To edit any of the five supplied custom toolbar buttons simply select one and choose "Edit".  You may choose to either run a script, a keystroke file, or an external program.  You may also provide a "Custom Tooltip" that will be displayed when your mouse pointer hovers over the button for a few seconds.

To add a new command, click 'New'.  Enter a unique name for the command and click OK.  Select an action for the new command to either run a script, run a keystroke file, or an external program.  A new dialog will appear allowing you to browse for the location of the associated file.  Any custom commands you create are inserted into the Combobox displayed on the Custom Toolbar.  Tooltips can not be associated with these commands.  If you chose to run an external program you may add "Additional Parameters".  An example of how to use this would be to run Notepad and in Additional Parameters supply the path of the file you wish Notepad to open.

Notice the CT toolbar icons at the left on the toolbar below.  The icons, 1, 2, and 5 have been associated with a custom command while icons 3 and 4 with no commands defined are grayed out.

Note: Due to limitations of the Window's operating system, you are not able to remove all the Custom Toolbar buttons.  You must leave at least two buttons or the toolbar may not function properly.

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