Displaying the Clock
QWS3270 Secure can display a clock in the right corner of the status bar. To change the format of the clock, or to display or hide the, clock you can select one of the following options in the Options/Application dialog:
hh:mm:ss to view an hours minutes and seconds time display on the application window
hh:mm to view an hours and minutes time display
None to hide the clock
Host Response Time to measure the elapsed time when pressing an AID Attention Identifier. 3270 block devices buffer all keystrokes at the client system until an Attention Identifier (AID) key is pressed. AID keys include Enter, PF1, PA1, etc. These keys do not provide commands to the host system. key (Clear, Enter, PF1-PF12, etc), and the return of the resulting mainframe screen image after execution of the key. This can be useful for trouble shooting connection problems.