Other Options

Other Options


Three options in the Application Preferences dialog have not been discussed yet.  They are

Disable Confirmation on Disconnect

If the Disable Confirmation on Disconnect checkbox is checked, a session with a mainframe host can be disconnected without having to confirm this.  If this option is not checked, a prompt will appear requiring a click on OK or Cancel when you select 'Disconnect' from the QWS3270 menu.

Allow Toolbar Overlapping

If this box is checked, toolbars can be layered so that they overlap other toolbars. This prevents disabling of toolbars when session windows are reduced to make room for other windows.

Window Border

If you wish to re-size the screen by dragging the window border, click the "Window Border" checkbox. This encloses the application in a box that can be used to expand or shrink the size of the window.  We allow for disabling the window border to prevent accidental window size changes.



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