Undocumented Session Parameters

Undocumented Session Parameters

Beginning with version 4.0, all menu items can be disabled using Session parameters.  Here are the undocumented parameters that can be added to the QWS3270X.jgp file or any Session file:

disableblinking=yes : turns off blinking for fields or characters with the 3270 extended attribute byte set to blinking. The default setting is no, which causes these fields or characters to blink. 
disablemenu=yes : hides the entire QWS3270 PLUS menu bar. The default setting is no. 
disablemultiple=1 : prevents the user from starting multiple QWS3270 PLUS sessions simultaneously. This restricts the user to a single 3270 session. The default setting is no. 
disablesysmenu=yes : hides the standard Windows system menu items from the title bar. This includes the minimize, maximize and close options in the upper left corner and the drop down menu in the upper left corner. The default setting is no. 
disabletitle=yes : hides the standard Windows title bar. The default setting is no. 
disablesetup=yes : disables the "Options" menu item. The default setting is no. 
ModifyToolBar=no : prevents the user from being able to change the toolbar configuration. The default setting is yes.

Undocumented features in version 4.0 and above: 

These options allow you to disable individual property sheets in the "Options" dialog.  A value of 1 disables the property sheet.

DisableConnectionProp=1 : remove the Connection property sheet from the // Session Options dialog.

DisableHostProp=1 : remove the Host Options property sheet from the Options dialog.
DisableFileTransferProp=1 : remove the File Transfer Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog.
DisableSecurityProp=1 : remove the Security Options property sheet from the Options dialog. This option is only only for SSL (secure) version, QWS3270 Secure.
DisableEntryAssistProp=1 : remove the property sheet for Entry Assist options from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableDisplayProp=1 : remove the Display Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableColoursProp=1 : remove the Colour Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableCursorProp=1 : remove the property sheet for Cursor Options from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableMiscProp=1 : remove the Miscellaneous Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableCopyPasteProp=1 : remove the Copy/Paste Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableMouseProp=1 : remove the Mouse Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog. 
DisableCustomProp=1 : remove the property sheet for Custom Commands and Custom Toolbar buttons from the Session Options dialog. The user will still be able to execute custom commands that have been previously set up through both the custom toolbar buttons, and the custom commands dropdown list on the custom toolbar. 
DisablePrintersProp=1 : remove the Printer Options property sheet from the Session Options dialog.

These options affect menu items and toolbar buttons:

DisableOpenLayouts=1 : disables the open session layout menu item and corresponding toolbar items.
DisableSaveLayouts=1 : disables the save session layout menu item and corresponding toolbar items.
DisableApplicationOptions=1 : disable the Options/Application menu item and corresponding toolbar items.
DisableSessionOptions=1 : disable the Options/Session menu item and corresponding toolbar items.
DisableKeyboardOptions=1 : disable the Options/Keyboard menu item and corresponding toolbar items.
DisablePrintLayouts=1 : prevents the user from creating new print layout files, and from modifying existing layout files. Does not prevent him from printing from layouts (multiple screens).
DisableUpload=1 : disable the Upload File item on the Tools menu, as well as the corresponding menu items. Note that the user can still transfer.

These options affect the Batch Transfer Files option (on the Tools menu): 

DisableDownload=1 : disable the Download File menu item on the Tools menu, as well as the corresponding toolbar button. This will still allow the user to transfer files through the Batch Transfer Files menu item on the Tools menu.
DisableFileTransfer=1 : disable all file transfer menu items and toolbar buttons, effectively preventing the user from using the IND$FILE transfer items from the program.
DisableNewScript=1 : disable the New Script menu item on the Tools menu.
DisableEditScript=1 : disable the Edit Script menu item on the Tools menu.
DisableRunScript=1 : disable the Run Script menu item on the Tools menu, as well as the corresponding toolbar button. Scripts attached to a session will still be run when the session is opened; this only prevents the user from running a script interactively.
DisableRecordKeystrokes=1 : disable the Record Keystrokes item on the Tools menu, as well as the corresponding toolbar buttons.
DisableReplayKeystrokes=1 : disable the Replay Keystrokes item on the // Tools menu, as well as the corresponding toolbar buttons.
DisableToolsMenu=1 : disable the Tools menu item completely, including all toolbar buttons that could be used to execute commands implemented on the Tools menu.
DisableUpdate=1 : disable the Update Program menu item on the Help menu. 
DisableConvertKeystrokes=1 : disable the menu option to convert a keystroke file to a script file. 
DisableTracing=1 : do not allow the user to use the tracing feature by disabling the Turn Tracing On option.

SSL/TLS properties in v5.4.x

DisableSSLv2=1 : disables the option to use SSLv2
DisableSSLv3=1 : disables the option to use SSLv3
DisableTLSv1=1 : disables the option to use TLSv1
DEFAULT_SSL_FIPS=1 : sets the option to True for the OpenSSL security library's FIPS compliance.  A value of 0 sets it to False.

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