IP Address Security
IP Address Security
See also: Port Security
The IP addresses of the computers that are allowed or disallowed to connect to the JGS LPD application on your computer. To view an explanation as to their use, click on the controls.
Use the IP address security dialog to control incoming print request connections by allowing and disallowing IP addresses to make connections. The security options allow the definition of specific
addresses to allow or refuse, change the order of processing for these addresses, change an address,
or delete addresses from either list. To prevent unauthorized access to the security dialog you must enter the administrator password that was established when the application was initially started.
Let’s assume the network consists of computers in the IP address range of to All of these computers are allowed to send print requests, except for the public terminal at The following entries should be made:
All PC’s on your local network
Your own computer, if you have more than one IP address
Any PC not in the above range of addresses is automatically banned from using the JGS LPD application. There is no need to add additional entries. Simply add the one address you don’t want to allow to the other list:
After the IP addresses that should be filtered have been entered, an address can be modified by double-clicking on it. Note that the port authorization overrides the IP address validation. In the above example a computer at would not be allowed access if using a non-authorized port.
By default LPD allows all incoming connections provided they are using an authorized port. The default entry in the Allowed list - (Displays the IP addresses that are allowed to connect to the application). ‘*.*.*.*’.