Miscellaneous Options

Miscellaneous Options


The miscellaneous options dialog lets you select options that affect the connection to a host as well as the way the application interacts with the user.



The Disconnect options affect the way the application behaves when the connection to the host is broken, either by the user choosing to close the connection, by the host dropping the connection, or by a network failure.

Auto Re-Connect  - When this option is checked the application will automatically try to re-connect to the host whenever the connection is closed.

Exit On Close  - This will automatically close the application when the connection to the host is closed.  While useful in some cases this option should not be used in conjunction with the Auto-Connect option for the default session.

None  - With this option checked the application will return to the main window and wait for you to manually select a menu option.  This is the default setting.

The Session Inactivity Options allow you to specify the behaviour of the application after a time period with no keyboard activity has expired.  The time-out period is reset every time the user presses a keyboard key.

Session Idle Time  - This allows you to specify the time-out period in minutes.  The time-out period is the length of time that must elapse with no keyboard activity before any action is taken.  A time-out period of 0 (default) means that the time-out is ignored and no action is taken.

Session Idle Key  - Specify a key to be sent to the host if the time-out period expires.  You can enter any of the 3270 attention keys Enter, PF1 through PF24, PA1 through PA3, or Clear.

Session Close Time  - This is the time interval in minutes that must elapse with no keyboard activity for the host session to be closed. A value of zero means that this parameter is ignored.

Bring To Top  - When checked, the application will automatically restore the window to full size if it is iconized and bring it to the top of the desktop whenever data from the host is received.

Message Beep  - By checking this option the application will sound the beeps that are sent from the host to the PC; unchecking this option will suppress the beeps.

Disable Type-Ahead  - When checked, the type-ahead buffer feature is disabled.  This will cause the program to behave more like a true 3270 terminal.

Null To Blank  - With this option checked, the application will translate all null characters to blanks before sending the screen data to the host.  Many 3270 emulators have Null to Blank Processing turned on.  Setting this parameter OFF will cause the application to simulate a true 3270 terminal.

Ignore Numeric Field Checks  - When checked, data entered into fields defined as numeric is not checked for being valid numeric characters. This allows alphabetic characters to be entered into numeric fields.

Allow Repeated Aid Keys  - When not checked, Aid Keys (Enter, PF1 – PF24, PA1 – PA3, CLEAR) resulting from keys held down are intercepted by the program and not sent to the host. This eliminates accidental multiple Aid Keys.

Custom Statusbar Colour - This allows you to choose a custom colour for the status bar at the bottom of the main QWS3270 window, to easily differentiate visually between your sessions. The field to the right of the option shows the currently selected statusbar colour for this session.


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